


Book cover mock-up concept and design by Shams Essack.


May 2022

We would appreciate your help to get the Memories of MaP book published in July/August 2022 - in time for MaP's 50th anniversary celebration week in August 2022.

1) The editors - Batsho Dambe-Groth, Glenda Daniels, Shams Essack and Warren Nebe - of Memories of Maru-a-Pula: The First 20 Years, 1972 - 1992 are fundraising via the crowdfunding website BackaBuddy to get this book published by the end of June/July 2022.

2) 163 Maru-a-Pula (MaP) School alumni of the school's pioneering first 20 years, 1972 - 1992, have come together and contributed their stories about their memories of their high school in Gaborone, Botswana. We have a 101,000 word manuscript with 75 photos that is ready and waiting to be published. We need your donation to get the book published.

3) Maru-a-Pula School was founded in 1972 and was a model for how a multi-racial school could thrive at a time when apartheid was rife in neighbouring South Africa. The founding headmaster, Deane Yates OBE, was a University of Oxford graduate, a former headmaster of St John’s College, Johannesburg and received an honorary doctorate from the University of the Witwatersrand for his pioneering work in education.

4) The stories in Memories of Maru-a-Pula (aka Memories of MaP) come from an illustrious Maru-a-Pula School alumni body of Ivy League and Russell Group university graduates, Botswana’s first female pilot, a former Silicon Valley executive, academics, entrepreneurs, business-owners, authors and others who are leaders in their fields.

5) Proceeds/profits from the sale of the book will go to the Maru-a-Pula Orphan and Vulnerable Children’s (OVC) Scholarship Fund which pays for the tuition and boarding of children who have academic potential to do well at MaP but who don’t have access to funds to pay the school fees.

6) If we meet our total fundraising target of Rand 190,000 / Pula 152,000 / US$ 11,875 The book will be available to buy in Gaborone, Johannesburg and via Amazon KDP (as an eBook and printed book).

7) Donors who contribute Rand 1,000 / Pula 800 / US$ 63 and above by the end of 15 July 2022 will have their names listed on the Donors page at the end of the book and on the Donors page of this Memories of MaP website. Donors who contribute this amount after 15 July 2022 will be listed on the Donors page of this website.

8) Donors who make a contribution of less than Rand 1,000 / Pula 800 / US$ 63 will be listed on the Donors page of this Memories of MaP website. We appreciate all donations ... big and small in these challenging times.

9) If we don’t reach our fundraising target, the money will be donated to Maru-a-Pula's Orphan and Vulnerable Children’s (OVC) Scholarship Fund. Your name will be on the list of Donors that we will email to the school.

10) Donations made directly to Memories of MaP as of 25 July 2022:

(aka offline donations aka donations made directly to Memories of MaP and not via BackaBuddy)

Rand 35,700.

11) Donations made via crowdfunding site BackaBuddy to Memories of MaP as of 25 July 2022:

Rand 80,411.

12) How much money have we raised so far?

As of 25 July 2022, we have raised a total of:

> Rand 116,111 of a target amount of Rand 190,000.

> Pula 92,888 of a target amount of Pula 152,000.

> US$ 7,256 of a target amount of US$ 11,875.

This is 61% of our target amount. We are getting there! Thank you to those who have made a donation.

13) To donate, please visit our BackaBuddy page:

Here's the link to our BackaBuddy page -

14) If you have made a donation - Re a leboga! Thank you! We appreciate your donation and are keeping track of each and every one.

15) If you are thinking of making a donation, we invite you to be part of our MaP legacy and our philanthropic and book publishing journey by taking the next step and making your contribution today via our BackaBuddy page. Together we have come this far and together we can go even further...

Warm greetings from the editors of Memories of MaP

Batsho Dambe-Groth, Glenda Daniels, Shams Essack and Warren Nebe

...we are Maru-a-Pula School alumni and working on this fundraising project as volunteers.

* * * * *

Memories of MaP is an official project and book of Maru-a-Pula School.

This free (i.e. free hosting) Google Sites website was created in May 2022 by Shams Essack and is being maintained by her on a voluntary basis.

The website domain registration fee of Rand 253 was paid from the funds donated to Memories of MaP via the crowdfunding campaign. The annual domain registration renewal fee of +/- Rand 253 will be paid from donated funds or book sales.

For info on how to buy the Memories of MaP book please visit the Home page of this website.

The proceeds of all book sales and donations have gone to and will continue to go to Maru-a-Pula School's Orphan and Vulnerable Children's (OVC) Scholarship Fund.